DayZ Wiki

An ordinary ripe apple. It is still firm, delicious, and worm-free.
~ In-game description

An ordinary ripe apple. It is still firm, delicious, and worm-free. In-game description

Apple is a type of food in DayZ. They are only found spawning at the base of Apple Trees.

If one is suffering from hydration troubles, it is best to eat raw apples as their hydration level is quite decent, on the other hand, baked apples restore more hunger, boiled apples restore less hunger than a baked one but the same hydration as raw as well as more hunger than raw. Dried apples restore as much hunger as raw, but little hydration and spoils less faster. Currently, when players begin a new character, they may spawn with this item in their inventory.

They begin to spawn when the tree is within the players 100m radius (invisible circle around the character) but can also take up to 15 minutes to spawn.

Avoid Big Orchards as there are too many to check and seem to spawn less. Find a group of around 6 and just loop between them while disposing of the rotten ones as mentioned earlier.

Variants[ | ]

Nutritional Information[ | ]

Poison WARNING: Consuming burned or rotten fruit can cause Poisoning.
Name Energy Water Quantity Stomach Size
Raw Apple 125 kcal 50 ml 125 125 ml 1 Slot
Baked Apple 312.5 kcal 30 ml 125 125 ml 1 Slot
Boiled Apple 250 kcal 80 ml 125 125 ml 1 Slot
Dried Apple 250 kcal 10 ml 125 125 ml 1 Slot
Burned Apple 125 kcal 0 ml 125 625 ml 1 Slot
Rotten Apple 93.75 kcal 20 ml 125 1250 ml 1 Slot
