DayZ Wiki
Fresh Banana
Not-spawning content

This page contains information about a previously-spawning DayZ item that is currently not spawning/craftable on official Stable servers, but is not a removed or replaced item. These items may spawn or be enabled on community servers.

This page contains information about a previously-spawning DayZ item that is currently not spawning/craftable on official Stable servers, but is not a removed or replaced item. These items may spawn or be enabled on community servers.

A fresh banana.
~ In-game description

A fresh banana. In-game description

Banana is a type of food in DayZ.

NOTE: As of version 0.63, the Banana is not spawning on vanilla servers and any data regarding it may be obsolete.

Variants[ | ]

Nutritional Information[ | ]

Poison WARNING: Consuming burned or rotten food will make you sick.

Name Energy Water Stomach Nutr. Index Toxicity Size
Raw Banana 200 kcal 100 ml 1 ml 1 1 1x2 (2 Slots)
Rotten Banana 100 kcal 50 ml 10 ml 1 1 1x2 (2 Slots)
