DayZ Wiki

Note: this page covers the Standalone version of DayZ; for information on the Mod, see Mod:Blood. Blood is one of the Health related character stats of players in DayZ Standalone. Upon spawn, each player start with full Health and has randomly assigned distinct blood type. While blood is still important, the major stat that affects a survivors ability to survive is now health.

Blood Levels and Effects

Blood is capped at 5000. Unlike in the DayZ mod, there is no icon indicating blood levels in-game. Instead blood level is represented by the screen desaturating -- the less color you see, the lower your blood level.

As your blood level decreases, you lose resistance against shock damage caused by getting hit either by melee attacks or by bullets and are therefore more likely to get knocked unconscious. Also, eventually your screen will blur and/or tarnish making you unable to see correctly, this can be fixed by painkillers. An additional note if you are hydrated and energized you will regenerate your blood extremely fast.

When your blood level falls below 500, you will fall unconscious. You (or more accurately, someone else) will have to restore your blood level above 500 to successfully recover. Natural Regeneration would allow for this on its own, but if you are bleeding or otherwise actively losing blood, intervention by another player will be needed. The only situation where your blood level would decrease without you bleeding would be another player removing blood from your body via an IV or syringe.

Somewhat counter-intuitively, losing all your blood will not kill you, but it will prevent you from recovering from unconsciousness on your own. Instead, losing all of your Health is the cause of death.


Bleeding typically occurs when a player is injured by zombies but can also happen due to gunshot wounds or melee damage from other players, as well as self-inflicted injury such as falling. When bleeding, a player will receive various warning messages indicating that they are Bleeding. The point of injury or source of bleeding is usually visible when examining the body.

When bleeding, immediate treatment using a bandage or a rag is required to prevent further blood loss and its side effects. Longer term treatment should include the player staying well-fed and hydrated in order for Natural Regeneration to occur. One may optionally receive a saline bag or a transfusion from a blood bag to give a quick boost to blood levels. Warning: Giving a blood transfusion to a player with an incompatible blood type will kill them! Make sure both donor and recipient have matching (or compatible) blood types before completing a transfusion.

Loss of blood may vary depending on the type of injury, the following are a list of inflicted injuries in order of most severe to the least in terms of blood loss.

  • Projectile/gunshot wounds (larger caliber bullets being worse)
  • Slice wounds (bladed weapons)
  • Blunt force
  • Zombie attacks
  • Poisoning, thirst, and hunger

Regaining Blood

Blood can be regained through various methods:

  • Natural Regeneration: slow but steady regeneration over time.
  • Saline Injection: instant 500 blood increase -- enough to wake an unconscious player, assuming the cause is blood loss. This method is risk-free.
  • Blood Transfusion: instant 1000 blood increase, twice the amount of a saline bag. However, you need a blood donor and it's potentially lethal unless both blood types are tested, the donor's bloodtype is O-, or the recipient's bloodtype is O+ (UPDATE: O+ IS A UNIVERSAL RECEIVER). For more information see Blood type.

Natural regeneration is the only method which does not require another player, but there isn't really a situation where it can occur where another player hasn't explicitly taken your blood through an IV (therefore someone would be present to potentially help you).
