DayZ Wiki

A nutritious and long-lasted can of baked beans that can be opened with a can opener. Will last two to five years depending on storage conditions.
~ In-game description

A nutritious and long-lasted can of baked beans that can be opened with a can opener. Will last two to five years depending on storage conditions. In-game description

Canned Baked Beans is a type of food in DayZ.

Gallery[ | ]

Opening the Can[ | ]

Canned Baked Beans New
Item Can - opener
CannedBeans open
Canned Baked Beans New
75px-Kitchen knife
CannedBeans open

Trivia[ | ]

  • Deez brand baked beans were originally going to be called Dean's Beans as a reference to Dean Hall but it turned out that the name was already claimed by a coffee company.
  • Despite the Deez branding in several places on the can, the barcode features the text "HIENZ BEANS," Hienz being a misspelling of Heinz which the label design is based on.
