DayZ Wiki

A nutritious and long-lasting can of spaghetti that can be opened with a can opener. Will last two to five years depending on storage conditions.
~ In-game description

A nutritious and long-lasting can of spaghetti that can be opened with a can opener. Will last two to five years depending on storage conditions. In-game description

Canned Spaghetti is a type of food in DayZ

Gallery[ | ]

Opening the Can[ | ]

Corleone Spaghetti
Item Can - opener
Canned Spaghetti opened
Corleone Spaghetti
75px-Kitchen knife
Canned Spaghetti opened

Trivia[ | ]

  • Corleone Spaghetti is a reference to famous Corleone family from the Godfather series of movies. This reference is made extra clear by the use of the same font for the name Corleone as the one of the movie logo.
