DayZ Wiki

A reusable plastic bottle used by military and campers. Can be filled with various liquids.
~ In-game description

A reusable plastic bottle used by military and campers. Can be filled with various liquids. In-game description

The Canteen is a portable source of drinking water that survivors can use to replenish their thirst.

Uses[ | ]

  • Can be drunk, emptied, or transferred to another container.
  • Can be refilled at Water Pumps for fresh water or any source of muddy waters like rivers, streams, and ponds. They will not work close to shoreline seawater.
  • Can hold Gasoline when filled up at Fuel Pumps at Gas Stations. The Canteen must be emptied of Water before Gasoline can be added.
  • Can be attached to the Belt, the Tactical Belt, and the Hip Pack, but not the the Rope Belt.

Cholera Risk[ | ]

It is important to remember that spawned Canteens have a 50% chance to infect a player with Cholera. It is always recommended to use Chlorine Tablets to purify before first consumption of the spawned liquid OR empty the Canteen out and refill entirely from a Water Pump to be safe. Having an Immune System above 95% or using Multivitamin Pills will also prevent or cure Cholera. Water from any non-pump source also has a high chance to infect the player with Cholera.

Trivia[ | ]

The canteen in DayZ appears to be based off of the Rothco 3 piece canteen.
