Hills and Mountains are significant terrain features worthy of recognition for their elevation and/or prominence over a specific area. There are 37 named hills and mountains in South Zagoria, although there are many more unmarked peaks. Also of note are the Black Mountains (not to be confused with Black Mountain), which form part of Chernarus' northern frontier with Russia.
Comparison Table[ | ]
Russian Cyrillic | Latin Transliteration | English Translation | Grid Reference | Sector | Elevation (metres) | Elevation Rank |
Алтар | Altar | Altar | 081 062 | Centre | 474 | 3rd |
Лысая Гора | Lysaya Gora | Bald Mountain | 081 062 | North | 390 | 7th |
Баранчик | Baranchik | Ram | 101 091 | Centre | 320 | 18th |
Башня | Bashnya | Tower | 041 035 | North-West | 392 | 5th |
Черная Гора | Chernaya Gora | Black Mountain | 102 033 | North-East | 368 | 10th |
Большой Котел | Bolshoy Kotel | Big Cauldron | 006 088 | West | 310 | 21st |
Дажбог | Dazhbog | Slavic God | 065 067 | Centre | 391 | 6th |
Добрый | Dobry | Kind | 105 122 | South-East | 175 | 30th |
Дубина | Dubina | Cudgel | 111 067 | East | 294 | 24th |
Эрбенка | Erbenka | Named after Erben (surname) | 028 113 | South-West | 276 | 25th |
Зеленая Гора | Zelenaya Gora | Green Mountain | 036 093 | West | 402 | 4th |
Калмык | Kalmyk | Ethnic Group | 068 104 | South | 315 | 19th |
Кикимора | Kikimora | Mythical Creature | 017 090 | West | 333 | 16th |
Клен | Klen | Maple | 115 040 | North-East | 344 | 12th (Joint) |
Коман | Koman | Coman | 016 079 | West | 311 | 20th (Joint) |
Копыто | Kopyto | Hoof | 077 113 | South | 124 | 33rd |
Пик Козлова | Pik Kozlova | Kozlov's Peak | 088 125 | South | 217 | 27th |
Курган | Kurgan | Mound | 033 100 | West | 296 | 22nd |
Кустрик | Kustryk | Bush | 048 103 | South-West | 374 | 9th |
Малиновка | Malinovka | Robin | 108 078 | East | 295 | 23rd |
Маяк | Mayak | Lighthouse | 123 108 | South-East | 254 | 26th |
Туманный Холм | Tumannyy Kholm | Misty Hill | 003 023 | North-West | 497 | 2nd |
Ольша | Olsha | Unknown Meaning | 129 025 | North-East | 216 | 28th |
Острог | Ostrog | Prison | 026 131 | South-West | 119 | 34th |
Острый | Ostry | Acute | 107 024 | North-East | 340 | 14th |
Поп Иван | Pop Ivan | Pope Ivan | 063 087 | Centre | 385 | 8th |
Святой Поман | Svyatoy Roman | Saint Roman | 002 034 | North-West | 550 | 1st |
Шишок | Shishok | Bump | 035 059 | West | 344 | 12th (Joint) |
Симург | Simurg | Mythical Creature | 004 057 | West | 338 | 15th |
Сокол | Sokol | Falcon | 120 006 | North-East | 189 | 29th |
Токарня | Tokarnya | Turning | 088 096 | Centre | 359 | 11th |
Вересник | Veresnik | Heather | 044 072 | West | 330 | 17th |
Виселица | Viselitsa | Gallows | 127 078 | East | 155 | 32nd |
Высокий Камень | Vysokiy Kamen | High Stone | 089 109 | South | 342 | 13th |
Высота | Vysota | Height | 066 119 | South | 83 | 35th |
Ветреная Гора | Vetrenaya Gora | Windy Mountain | 038 112 | South-West | 311 | 20th (Joint) |
Волчий Пик | Volchiy Pik | Wolf Peak | 003 126 | South-West | 165 | 31st |
Elevation Map[ | ]
Pages in category "Hills and Mountains"
The following 37 pages are in this category, out of 37 total.