DayZ Wiki
Category Equipment
Size 1 Slot
Absorbency Unknown
Locations Residential/Civilian, General Military
Rarity Unknown
A magnetic compass that contains a magnet which interacts with the earth's magnetic field and aligns itself to point to the magnetic poles.
~ In-game description

A magnetic compass that contains a magnet which interacts with the earth's magnetic field and aligns itself to point to the magnetic poles.In-game description

The compass is a navigation item used to tell the orientation of the player. Its commonly used in interaction with a map to maintain the direction in which you are travelling.

To use the compass, you can either drag the item from your inventory on your toolbar, then click the number you equipped it on, and hit space to see it. You can't recognize any numbers, if you want to recognize any exact number, you have to go into your inventory, and click inspect.

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