DayZ Wiki

This page is part of a Project. Please visit the DayZ:Projects page for additional information on how to assist with this effort.

This page is part of a Project.
Please visit the DayZ:Projects page for additional information on how to assist with this effort.

Bem vindo à DayZ Wiki

DayZ 109 UpdateTeaser Thumb

Versões atuais de DayZ:
PC Estável: 1.09.153395 (08 de Setembro de 2020)
PC Experimental: Version: 1.09.153372 (27 de Agosto de 2020)
Xbox: 1.09.153395 (08 de Setembro de 2020)
Xbox Experimental: 1.08.153144 (9 de Junho de 2020)
Playstation 4: 1.08.153228 (30 de Junho de 2020)

Sobre o DayZ[]
