DayZ Wiki
Fireworks Launcher
Category Equipment
Repairable With None
Size 4x4 (16 Slots)
Weight 5 kg (11 lb)
Absorbency 0%
Locations Fairgrounds
Rarity Uncommon
Box full of fireworks, ready to light any party up. It's probably still good, even if mildly damaged or damp. Do not ignite while indoors and stay away from it after ignition.
~ In-game description

Box full of fireworks, ready to light any party up. It's probably still good, even if mildly damaged or damp. Do not ignite while indoors and stay away from it after ignition.In-game description

The Fireworks Launcher is a placeable object that may be ignited with a Petrol Lighter and once activated will fire a rocket every 5 seconds for 1 minute. The Fireworks Launcher can not be placed under any objects or roofs. If you are within 2 meters of a Fireworks Launcher while it is active you will take 2 Health damage every time it fires. The item is most useful for distracting zombies as they are drawn to it.
