DayZ Wiki

A piece of human flesh. It can be eaten in a pinch, if you have a stomach for it and no moral scruples.
~ In-game description

A piece of human flesh. It can be eaten in a pinch, if you have a stomach for it and no moral scruples. In-game description

The Human Steak is a type of food in DayZ. It can be obtained by killing another player and skinning them with a Knife or other sharp object. It can be baked over a Fireplace using a Long Wooden Stick or boiled in a Cooking Pot.

Consuming this item will cause Brain Prion Disease no matter the variant and Food Poisoning if burnt.

Variants[ | ]

Nutritional Information[ | ]

Poison WARNING: Consuming any human steak variant will make you sick.
Name Energy Water Quantity Stomach Size
Raw Human Steak 75 kcal 60 ml 150 1050 ml 1x3 (3 Slots)
Baked Human Steak 300 kcal 36 ml 150 600 ml 1x3 (3 Slots)
Boiled Human Steak 225 kcal 96 ml 150 600 ml 1x3 (3 Slots)
Dried Human Steak 225 kcal 12 ml 150 750 ml 1x3 (3 Slots)
Burned Human Steak 75 kcal 0 ml 150 1050 ml 1x3 (3 Slots)
Rotten Human Steak 37.5 kcal 24 ml 150 1500 ml 1x3 (3 Slots)

Trivia[ | ]

  • Up until 0.60, this food item used the same model as most animal steaks.
