DayZ Wiki
Fresh Banana
Not-spawning content

This page contains information about a previously-spawning DayZ item that is currently not spawning/craftable on official Stable servers, but is not a removed or replaced item. These items may spawn or be enabled on community servers.

This page contains information about a previously-spawning DayZ item that is currently not spawning/craftable on official Stable servers, but is not a removed or replaced item. These items may spawn or be enabled on community servers.

Commonly known as "shrooms". Its lack of nutritions is balanced by strong hallucinogenic properties.
~ In-game description

Commonly known as "shrooms". Its lack of nutritions is balanced by strong hallucinogenic properties. In-game description

The Liberty Cap is a food item in DayZ.

Variants[ | ]

Nutritional Information[ | ]

Poison WARNING: Consuming burned or rotten mushrooms can cause Poisoning.
Name Energy Water Quantity Stomach Size
Raw Liberty Cap 60 kcal 30 ml 50 125 ml 1 Slot
Baked Liberty Cap 150 kcal 18 ml 50 87.5 ml 1 Slot
Boiled Liberty Cap 125 kcal 48 ml 50 75 ml 1 Slot
Dried Liberty Cap 125 kcal 6 ml 50 37.5 ml 1 Slot
Burned Liberty Cap 45 kcal 0 ml 50 100 ml 1 Slot
Rotten Liberty Cap 45 kcal 12 ml 50 100 ml 1 Slot

Trivia[ | ]

This mushroom is really known as Psilocybe semilanceata
