Mod content
This page covers the 2012 DayZ Mod for Arma 2. For information from DayZ (2018), see Status Effects.
This page covers the 2012 DayZ Mod for Arma 2. For information from DayZ (2018), see Status Effects.
There are a number of effects in DayZ that can negatively impact the player, some of which significantly increases the danger towards the player and may result in death if said play is not able to remedy the situation quickly.
Bleeding[ | ]
See also: Mod:Blood
{{{Stat}}} | Symptoms: | Mod:Blood will spurt out of the player, which can be seen by other survivors and the player themselves in third person. The screen color will slowly fade to gray (starting at 9000 blood) as the amount of blood decreases. |
{{{Pics}}} | Messages: | {{{Messages}}} |
Causes: | Bleeding can occur after:
| |
Treatment: | This condition is cured with a Mod:Bandage. A bandage can be used on yourself or on other players using the action menu. It is recommended that you have at least two bandages in your inventory at all times.
Bleeding will sometimes stop on its own, without the need for a bandage. If you continue to bleed, it will not stop until you reach 2000 blood or apply a bandage. Eat food to regain your blood levels. |
Shock[ | ]
{{{Stat}}} | Symptoms: | If the player logs out with this status, the next time they log in they will spend a long period unconscious. It is marked by a White symbol on the HUD (REMOVED) |
{{{Pics}}} | Messages: | {{{Messages}}} |
Causes: | Shock is the status effect a player will receive after being shot at by another player or damaging themselves somehow. On very rare occassions, being hit or even being near a zombie can get the player a shock status. | |
Treatment: | This status will last from 30 seconds to 5 minutes and is only curable with an Epi-pen. |
Pain[ | ]
{{{Stat}}} | Symptoms: | Pain is accompanied by excessive screen shaking which makes aiming very difficult. Currently, shaking is only seen while in first person view. In third person view the screen will not shake, however the crosshairs and aiming are still affected. |
{{{Pics}}} | Messages: | {{{Messages}}} |
Causes: | Pain is caused when the player takes damage, it has a chance to proc on any type of damage including falling, Zombie hits, or gun shot wounds. | |
Treatment: | Pain is cured by Mod:Painkillers. |
Broken Bones[ | ]
{{{Stat}}} | Symptoms: | How to see if you have Broken Bones:
{{{Pics}}} | Messages: | {{{Messages}}} |
Causes: | Causes of Broken Bones:.
| |
Treatment: | Morphine Auto Injectors and Wooden Splints are used to heal broken bones (instant after use) |
Unconscious[ | ]
{{{Stat}}} | Symptoms: | Character will have an hourglass in the middle of their screen and all colors will fade (white and black, blurry) , along with inability to chat, move, etc. (game controls disabled) |
{{{Pics}}} | Messages: | {{{Messages}}} |
Causes: | Causes of being Unconscious:
| |
Treatment: | An Mod:Epi-Pen will fix this condition instantly, however if the player has low blood they may head straight back into unconsciousness. It is therefore advised to bandage and fix all other conditions before the player is injected with the Epi-Pen. Remember that an Epi-Pen has to be used by another survivor to give yourself consciousness. |
Infection[ | ]
{{{Stat}}} | Symptoms: | Stains around the blood-indicator, character will cough and splutter, losing 3 Mod:blood every second. Infected players lose blood continuously until they are dead. Coughing sounds will attract the attention of nearby zombies. |
{{{Pics}}} | Messages: | {{{Messages}}} |
Causes: | Causes of Infection:
| |
Treatment: | Treatment for Infection:
Cold[ | ]
{{{Stat}}} | Symptoms: | Character will shake from coldness (not as shaky as Mod:Pain.) |
{{{Pics}}} | Messages: | {{{Messages}}} |
Causes: | Causes of Cold:
| |
Treatment: | Treatments for a Cold:
Any one will work - you do not have to do all to relieve your cold. |