DayZ Wiki

A bayonet for Mosin 91/30 rifle with a bayonet lug.
~ In-game description

A bayonet for Mosin 91/30 rifle with a bayonet lug. In-game description

The Mosin 91/30 Bayonet is a weapon attachment in DayZ.

Uses[ | ]

Action Details
Cut Rags Cut various articles of clothing into rags
Open Can Open canned food. Spills 0% - 20% of the food
Remove Restraints Remove certain types of restraints from players
Skinning Skin and quarter dead animals or players for meats, pelts and other resources
  • Fish, hares and chicken can no longer be skinned using the mosin bayonet as of V1.19*

Bayonet Damage[ | ]

The following table shows Mosin 91/30 Bayonet's damage when performing an attack while attached to a Mosin 91/30 as a bayonet.

Health Blood Shock Bleed Chance
20 100 7 100%