DayZ Wiki

Tall, fleshy mushroom. Very tasty when cooked.
~ In-game description

Tall, fleshy mushroom. Very tasty when cooked. In-game description

The Parasol Mushroom is a food item in DayZ.

Variants[ | ]

Nutritional Information[ | ]

Poison WARNING: Consuming burned or rotten mushrooms can cause Poisoning.
Name Energy Water Quantity Stomach Size
Raw Parasol Mushroom 180 kcal 292.5 ml 150 375 ml 1x2 (2 Slots)
Baked Parasol Mushroom 450 kcal 90 ml 150 262.5 ml 1x2 (2 Slots)
Boiled Parasol Mushroom 375 kcal 240 ml 150 225 ml 1x2 (2 Slots)
Dried Parasol Mushroom 375 kcal 30 ml 150 112.5 ml 1x2 (2 Slots)
Burned Parasol Mushroom 135 kcal 0 ml 150 300 ml 1x2 (2 Slots)
Rotten Parasol Mushroom 135 kcal 60 ml 150 300 ml 1x2 (2 Slots)

Trivia[ | ]

  • The full name of the Parasol Mushroom is Macrolepiota procera.
