DayZ Wiki

Pieces of pumpkin. Ready for cooking or immediate consumption, if you are in a hurry.
~ In-game description

Pieces of pumpkin. Ready for cooking or immediate consumption, if you are in a hurry. In-game description

Pumpkin Slices are a type of food in DayZ. They are the byproduct of cutting up a whole Pumpkin with a knife. By cutting it into smaller pieces, it takes up double the space in your inventory but you can consume it in smaller portions. They can be baked over a Fireplace using a Long Wooden Stick or boiled in a Cooking Pot.

Variants[ | ]

Carving[ | ]

75px-Kitchen knife

Nutritional Information[ | ]

Poison WARNING: Consuming burned or rotten fruit can cause Poisoning.
Name Energy Water Quantity Stomach Size
Raw Pumpkin Slices 187.5 kcal 50 ml 250 250 ml 2x2 (4 Slots)
Baked Pumpkin Slices 375 kcal 30 ml 250 250 ml 2x2 (4 Slots)
Boiled Pumpkin Slices 312.5 kcal 80 ml 250 250 ml 2x2 (4 Slots)
Dried Pumpkin Slices 312.5 kcal 10 ml 250 250 ml 2x2 (4 Slots)
Burned Pumpkin Slices 187.5 kcal 0 ml 250 1250 ml 2x2 (4 Slots)
Rotten Pumpkin Slices 125 kcal 20 ml 250 2500 ml 2x2 (4 Slots)
