DayZ Wiki

Brittle mushroom, filled with milky fluid. Surprisingly tasty.
~ In-game description

Brittle mushroom, filled with milky fluid. Surprisingly tasty. In-game description

The Red Pine Mushroom is a food item in DayZ.

This mushroom is typically found in deciduous forests, they are quite useful once found as unlike many foods, they are perfectly edible when raw, though still harmful when rotten or burnt as with any other food. Due to the milky fluid in this mushroom, it restores quite a bit of hydration compared to energy.

Variants[ | ]

Nutritional Information[ | ]

Poison WARNING: Consuming burned or rotten mushrooms can cause Poisoning.
Name Energy Water Quantity Stomach Size
Raw Red Pine Mushroom 180 kcal 150 ml 150 375 ml 1x2 (2 Slots)
Baked Red Pine Mushroom 450 kcal 90 ml 150 262.5 ml 1x2 (2 Slots)
Boiled Red Pine Mushroom 375 kcal 240 ml 150 225 ml 1x2 (2 Slots)
Dried Red Pine Mushroom 375 kcal 30 ml 150 112.5 ml 1x2 (2 Slots)
Burned Red Pine Mushroom 135 kcal 0 ml 150 300 ml 1x2 (2 Slots)
Rotten Red Pine Mushroom 135 kcal 60 ml 150 300 ml 1x2 (2 Slots)

Trivia[ | ]

This mushroom is really known as Lactarius.
