DayZ Wiki

A shard of stone. Not very durable or sharp, but useful, if you have nothing else at hand.
~ In-game description

A shard of stone. Not very durable or sharp, but useful, if you have nothing else at hand. In-game description

The Stone Knife is a player-crafted tool that can also be used as a bladed weapon in DayZ. It can be crafted from a small stone sharpened against a rock or boulder (in the landscape) or sharpened using another small stone.

Uses[ | ]

Action Details
Cut Rags Cut various articles of clothing into rags.
Open Can Open canned food. Spills 10% - 30% of the food.
Cut Sticks Chop down shrubs and bushes for sticks.
Cut Bark Cut bark from trees.
Remove Restraints Cut Rope and Duct Tape restraints off players.
Skinning Skin and quarter dead animals or players for meats, pelts and other resources.

Crafting[ | ]

Static stone2

Trivia[ | ]

  • As of 0.63, stone textures can no longer be searched, and Small Stones spawn around the terrain of Chernarus. Two Small Stones must be combined to craft the Improvised Knife, instead of using one Small Stone on the ground texture.
  • As of 1.04, small stones are found on the nature paths and game trails.
  • As of 1.04, survivors no longer spawn with an Improvised Knife to prevent suicide to gain a more desirable spawn.