DayZ Wiki

A tomato. If we leave the fruit-vegetable debate aside, it is still tasty and edible, either raw, or cooked.
~ In-game description

A tomato. If we leave the fruit-vegetable debate aside, it is still tasty and edible, either raw, or cooked. In-game description

Tomato is a type of food in DayZ. Currently, when players begin a new character, they may spawn with this item in their inventory.

Variants[ | ]

Crafting[ | ]

Obtaining Seeds
75px-Kitchen knife

Nutritional Information[ | ]

Poison WARNING: Consuming burned or rotten fruit can cause Poisoning.
Name Energy Water Quantity Stomach Size
Raw Tomato 50 kcal 50 ml 100 100 ml 1 Slot
Baked Tomato 150 kcal 30 ml 100 100 ml 1 Slot
Boiled Tomato 125 kcal 80 ml 100 100 ml 1 Slot
Dried Tomato 125 kcal 10 ml 100 100 ml 1 Slot
Burned Tomato 50 kcal 0 ml 100 500 ml 1 Slot
Rotten Tomato 25 kcal 20 ml 100 1000 ml 1 Slot

Media[ | ]
