This page contains information about content created by Bohemia Interactive that is playable in other BI titles. Playable locations featured on this article are part of the overall Arma universe, and are referenced throughout DayZ.
Playable locations featured on this article are part of the overall Arma universe, and are referenced throughout DayZ.
Note: this article covers the original Utes terrain from Arma 2; for information on the island from a DayZ Standalone perspective, see Utes.
Utes is a small map ported from Arma 2 used by players for both DayZ and DayZ Mod.
Utes consists of a single, small (5x5, whereas Chernarus is 14x10) island. It features two small towns (Kamenyy and Strelka), three military installations,and an airfield in the center of the island (including two barracks and three hangars). Utes takes approximately 15 minutes for players to traverse by foot. This provides an excellent player vs player environment, and frequent and mostly violent encounters can be expected.
Vehicles[ | ]
Utes features no vehicles, with the exception of the crashed helicopter spawns.