DayZ Wiki

Updated for DayZ 1.12.

Basic key points[ | ]

Weapons[ | ]

  • Recoil can change with switching firing modes and between only prone and stand stances.
  • Sway change with switching between all stances.

Armor[ | ]

  • Armor items apply their effects on the whole body parts and don’t have their own hitboxes.
  • Clothing equipment can randomly select items from its inventory, to apply incoming damage to them, and lower the hit effects based on the items’ health/properties[specify].

Damage[ | ]

  • Player’s character has 100 shock health points, after this number goes below 26, the character becomes unconscious until the value regenerates to above 50.
  • Damage is based on the velocity of the bullet at the time it impacts an entity.
  • Bullets will slow down when penetrating material, imparting correspondingly less damage if it hits an entity after.
  • Hitting different body parts will differ the damage values to apply, the HP damage is applied even if no organ hitboxes are hit.
  • Penetrating hitboxes of a character may cause additional effects.

Contact weapons / Ammunition[ | ]

Ammo name Ammo classname Damage Shock Armor/Penetration Projectile speed Air friction Ammo weight Projectile classname
12x70 Slug / 12ga Slug Ammo_12gaSlug 110, 100 100 0, 1, 0 420 -0.00600 0.28 Bullet_12GaugeSlug
.380 Ammo_380 21, 100 33 0, 0.8, 30 290 -0.0016 0.17 Bullet_380
9x19 Ammo_9x19 26, 100 33 0, 0.9, 30 360 -0.003 0.24 Bullet_9x19
.45 Ammo_45ACP 34, 100 33 0, 0.9, 30 260 -0.00145 0.48 Bullet_45ACP
.357 Ammo_357 105, 100 66 0, 0.9, 30 383 -0.0014 0.4 Bullet_357
5.45x39 Ammo_545x39 55, 100 66 0, 0.9, 10 880 -0.00027 0.2 Bullet_545x39
5.56x45 Ammo_556x45 55, 100 66 0, 0.9, 10 1000 -0.00105 0.2 Bullet_556x45
7.62x39 Ammo_762x39 55, 100 66 0, 0.9, 10 740 -0.00143 0.4 Bullet_762x39
9x39 Ammo_9x39 95, 100 66 0, 0.9, 20 320 -0.00055 0.5 Bullet_9x39
9x39 AP Ammo_9x39AP 95, 100 66 3, 1, 15 320 -0.00055 0.5 Bullet_9x39AP
7.62x51 or .308 Ammo_308Win 110, 100 100 0, 1, 10 740 -0.00085 0.5 Bullet_308Win
7.62x54 Ammo_762x54 110, 100 100 0, 1, 10 790 -0.00080 0.45 Bullet_762x54

Description, and CfgAmmo and CfgMagazines configs[ | ]

Damage[i] =

  1. [CfgAmmo \ [projectile classname] \ DamageApplied \ Health \ damage] of HP .
  2. [CfgAmmo \ [projectile classname] \ DamageApplied \ Blood \ damage] of Blood .[expansion needed]

Impact[i] = [CfgAmmo \ [projectile classname] \ DamageApplied \ Shock \ damage] of Shock .

Armor/Penetration[i] =

  1. [CfgAmmo \ [projectile classname] \ DamageApplied \ Health \ armorDamage] value of ignoring armor items’ effect of HP protection .[not confirmed][expansion needed]
  2. [CfgAmmo \ [projectile classname] \ caliber] penetration effect value .[detail needed]
  3. [CfgAmmo \ [projectile classname] \ deflecting] degree ricochet angle .

Projectile speed = [CfgAmmo \ [projectile classname] \ initSpeed] .[detail needed]

Air friction = [CfgAmmo \ [projectile classname] \ airFriction] .

Ammo weight[i] = [CfgMagazines \ [ammo classname] \ weight / count]g .

Launchers / Ranged weapons[ | ]

Name Classname Ammo affection RPM: FA, SA/S; Dispersion Reload Sound power Reliability Weight Ammo
Saiga-12 / “Vaiga Saiga - 48, 48 0.0015, 1.5, 0.01 2, [_] [_] 250 3.6 12x70
Škorpion vz. 83 .380 / “CR-61 CZ61 - 895.5, 480 0.003, -, - 3, [_] [_] 200 1.28 .380
MP5K / “SG5-K MP5K - 895.5, 480 0.003, -, - 5, [_] [_] 200 1.84 9x19
UMP .45 / “USG-45 UMP45 - 600, 480 0.003, -, - 4.5, [_] [_] 250 2.2 .45
AKS-74U / “KAS-74U AKS74U - 600, 600 0.003, -, - 2, [_] [_] 250 1.99 5.45x39
AK-74 / “KA-74 AK74 - 600, 600 0.002, -, - 2, [_] [_] 250 1.99 5.45x39
AK-101 / “KA-101 AK101 - 600, 600 0.0015, -, - 2, [_] [_] 300 3.077 5.56x45
M4A1 / “M4-A1 M4A1 - 800, 480 0.00125, -, - 5, [_] [_] 200 1.746 5.56x45
SKS / “SK 59/66 SKS - -, 480 0.0015, -, - -, [_] [_] 300 3.85 7.62x39
AKM / “KA-M AKM - 600, 450 0.0015, -, - 2, [_] [_] 300 2.14 7.62x39
VSS / “VSS VSS - 800, 480 0.002, -, - 3.8, [_] [_] 250 1.99 9x39
FAL / “LAR FAL - 705.9, 480 0.001, -, - 4.5, [_] [_] 300 3.7 7.62x51
Winchester 70 / “M70 Tundra Winchester70 - -, 60 0.00075, -, - -, [_] [_] 200 2.721 7.62x51
SVD / “VSD SVD - -, 480 0.00075, -, - 2.5, [_] [_] 250 3.7 7.62x54

Description, and CfgWeapons config[ | ]

Ammo affection = any effects applied to the CfgAmmo entity’s properties .[i]

Rounds Per Minute = [modes >-> [type of fire] \ 1 / reloadTime * 60] .

Dispersion =

  1. [modes >-> [type of fire] \ dispersion] .
  2. [modes >-> [type of fire] \ firespreadangle] pellets spread .
  3. [modes >-> Single \ dispersion] .

Reload =

  1. [magazineSwitchTime * 10]s .
  2. [expansion needed] .

Sound power = [expansion needed] decibels .

Reliability = [DamageSystem \ GlobalHealth \ Health \ hitpoints] shots .[detail needed]

Weight = [weight / 1000]kg without any attachments, mags and ammo .

[expansion needed]

Armor[ | ]

Name Classname Armor Impact suppression Weight
Armor-Plate Carrier PlateCarrierVest 50%, 50%, 75%, 75%, 100 74%, 74%, 75%, 75% 12
Ssh-68 / "Combat Helmet" Ssh68Helmet 50%, 50%, 50%, 50%, 27 50%, 50%, 50%, 50% 1.5
[_]/"Ballistic Helmet" BallisticHelmet_ColorBase 50%, 50%, 75%, 75%, 50 74%, 74%, 75%, 75% 1
[_]/"Assault Helmet" GorkaHelmet 50%, 50%, 75%, 75%, 50 74%, 74%, 75%, 75% 1.1
MICH 2001 / "Tactical Helmet" Mich2001Helmet 50%, 50%, 75%, 75%, 50 74%, 74%, 75%, 75% 1.2

Description, and [CfgVehicles \ ["Clothing" type entities]] config[ | ]

Armor =

  1. [DamageSystem \ GlobalArmor \ Projectile \ 100 - Health * 100] % of HP damage reduction .
  2. [DamageSystem \ GlobalArmor \ FragGrenade \ 100 - Health * 100] % of HP damage reduction .
  3. [DamageSystem \ GlobalArmor \ Melee \ 100 - Health * 100] % of HP damage reduction .
  4. [DamageSystem \ GlobalArmor \ Infected \ 100 - Health * 100] % of HP damage reduction .
  • [DamageSystem \ GlobalHealth \ Health \ hitpoints] armor health, the maximum amount of blocked character HP damage (in the best condition) .

Impact suppression =

  1. [DamageSystem \ GlobalArmor \ Projectile \ 100 - Shock * 100] % of Shock damage reduction .
  2. [DamageSystem \ GlobalArmor \ FragGrenade \ 100 - Shock * 100] % of Shock damage reduction .
  3. [DamageSystem \ GlobalArmor \ Melee \ 100 - Shock * 100] % of Shock damage reduction .
  4. [DamageSystem \ GlobalArmor \ Infected \ 100 - Shock * 100] % of Shock damage reduction .

Weight = [weight / 1000]kg without any attachments and cargo .

[detail needed]

See also[ | ]

Notes[ | ]

[CfgAmmo \ .. \ hit] : has no effect on character damage, either penetration ;

[CfgAmmo \ .. \ weight] : defines size of visual impact effects, has no effect on ballistics ;

The testing was limited, so the info is not guaranteed completely corrects, but more likely are.

Sources[ | ]

  • DayZ 1.07 configs.

Outdated[ | ]
