DayZ Wiki

A chunk of wolf meat. Not very tasty, like most predator meat, and very veiny. Can be eaten in a pinch, preferably cooked.
~ In-game description

A chunk of wolf meat. Not very tasty, like most predator meat, and very veiny. Can be eaten in a pinch, preferably cooked. In-game description

The Wolf Steak is a type of food in DayZ. It can be obtained by killing a Wolf and skinning it with a Knife. Cooking Wolf Steak has 60% chance of not removing the Salmonellosis present in all raw meats. This means that consuming it is very likely to make you sick.

Variants[ | ]

Nutritional Information[ | ]

Poison WARNING: Consuming raw, burned or rotten meat can make you sick.
Name Energy Water Quantity Stomach Size
Raw Wolf Steak 75 kcal 60 ml 150 750 ml 1x2 (2 Slots)
Baked Wolf Steak 300 kcal 36 ml 150 300 ml 1x2 (2 Slots)
Boiled Wolf Steak 225 kcal 96 ml 150 300 ml 1x2 (2 Slots)
Dried Wolf Steak 225 kcal 12 ml 150 450 ml 1x2 (2 Slots)
Burned Wolf Steak 75 kcal 0 ml 150 750 ml 1x2 (2 Slots)
Rotten Wolf Steak 37.5 kcal 24 ml 150 1500 ml 1x2 (2 Slots)
