DayZ Wiki
Fresh Banana
Not-spawning content

This page contains information about a previously-spawning DayZ item that is currently not spawning/craftable on official Stable servers, but is not a removed or replaced item. These items may spawn or be enabled on community servers.

This page contains information about a previously-spawning DayZ item that is currently not spawning/craftable on official Stable servers, but is not a removed or replaced item. These items may spawn or be enabled on community servers.

Rubbery mushroom. Usually found on tree trunks or rotting wood.
~ In-game description

Rubbery mushroom. Usually found on tree trunks or rotting wood. In-game description

The Wood Ear is a food item in DayZ.

Variants[ | ]

Nutritional Information[ | ]

Poison WARNING: Consuming burned or rotten mushrooms can cause Poisoning.
Name Energy Water Quantity Stomach Size
Raw Wood Ear 180 kcal 15 ml 150 375 ml 1x2 (2 Slots)
Baked Wood Ear 450 kcal 90 ml 150 262.5 ml 1x2 (2 Slots)
Boiled Wood Ear 375 kcal 240 ml 150 225 ml 1x2 (2 Slots)
Dried Wood Ear 375 kcal 30 ml 150 112.5 ml 1x2 (2 Slots)
Burned Wood Ear 135 kcal 0 ml 150 300 ml 1x2 (2 Slots)
Rotten Wood Ear 135 kcal 60 ml 150 300 ml 1x2 (2 Slots)

Trivia[ | ]

This mushroom is really known as Auricularia.
