DayZ Wiki

This zucchini is just ripe enough to make a fine meal if cooked. It can also be eaten raw.
~ In-game description

This zucchini is just ripe enough to make a fine meal if cooked. It can also be eaten raw. In-game description

Zucchini is a type of food in DayZ.

Variants[ | ]

Crafting[ | ]

Obtaining Seeds
75px-Kitchen knife

Nutritional Information[ | ]

Poison WARNING: Consuming burned or rotten fruit can cause Poisoning.
Name Energy Water Quantity Stomach Size
Raw Zucchini 250 kcal 50 ml 200 200 ml 1x3 (3 Slots)
Baked Zucchini 500 kcal 30 ml 200 200 ml 1x3 (3 Slots)
Boiled Zucchini 400 kcal 80 ml 200 200 ml 1x3 (3 Slots)
Dried Zucchini 400 kcal 10 ml 200 200 ml 1x3 (3 Slots)
Burned Zucchini 250 kcal 0 ml 200 1000 ml 1x3 (3 Slots)
Rotten Zucchini 50 kcal 20 ml 200 2000 ml 1x3 (3 Slots)

Media[ | ]
